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Results 706 - 720 of 3073

Pediatric IV TRaining arm - Infant

Cat.n.: MW842
Realistic little infant arm with embedded circular bloodline for IV...
10 962,60 CZK

Pediatric IV Training Arm - Toddler

Cat.n.: MW840
Realistic little Toddler arm with embedded circular bloodline for IV...
12 066,12 CZK

Deep Septic Training Stump

Cat.n.: MW822
This is a full silicone trainer for cleaning and dressing a very deep...
10 188,20 CZK

Wound packing task trainer

Cat.n.: MW812
Freestanding Silicone stump with deep wound for haemorrhage control...
7 903,72 CZK

Training Leg For Wound Packing

Cat.n.: MW810
Freestanding Silicone leg stump with large wound for haemorrhage...
18 174,20 CZK

MW800 Tourniquet Training leg

Cat.n.: MW800
Freestanding Silicone leg stump with large wound for haemorrhage...

Trauma Wound Packing Groin

Cat.n.: MT845
Advanced Silicone Groin Trainer for First Aid and Military...
66 769,01 CZK

Trauma Wound Packing Shoulder

Cat.n.: MT830
This full silicone super realistic training shoulder is designed for...
49 818,12 CZK

Trauma Training Lower Arm With Foreign Object

Cat.n.: MT820
This full silicone, super realistic male lower arm is designed for...
57 934,80 CZK

Phlebosclerosis sleeve

Cat.n.: MT819
Our freestanding trauma lower leg is designed for first aid and...
16 858,93 CZK

Trauma Wound Packing Leg

Cat.n.: MT815
The MT815 model is a versatile freestanding trauma model, expertly...
54 234,62 CZK

Exposed Ribs

Cat.n.: MT320
The most realistic and versatile trauma sleeves. Our trauma...
7 643,57 CZK

Eviscerated Belly

Cat.n.: MT310
The most realistic and versatile trauma sleeves. Our trauma...
9 488,82 CZK

Large Laceration

Cat.n.: MT110
The most realistic and versatile trauma sleeves. Our trauma...
4 005,10 CZK

Flesh Wound Large

Cat.n.: MT108
The most realistic and versatile trauma sleeves. Our trauma...
4 005,10 CZK
